Portfolio > Steel Sculptures

This steel sculpture is the first work that I completed after my long hiatus. It is a deeply personal work that was inspired by my own difficulties at the time. During that time I renewed my faith in Christ and was deep in the word. I came across a verse in Job that reads " but I am not silenced by the darkness; nor deep gloom which covers me." -Job 23:17

I recognized that while Job was loosing all the things of this world he was not giving up on his faith. For me, I think it is an area where we all struggle. The things of this world in the lower hand and the higher things of God in the other.

This sculpture was carved from solid 2 1/2 inch steel rods with a blow torch and grinders. Each arm and leg was carved individually and then welded together. It took over a year to make and at this point is not for sale.


steel sculpture
7 ft. h x 11 in w